Sunday, December 20, 2009

When someone fell in LOVE? and What is Love?

("Many of us say, “no one can define what love is”. I think we can define what love is and what one will do when they are in love but we don’t know how and when it starts in one person. Well, I guess I know when it starts or how it starts.That is the Intention of this post.")

I’ll stay at signal light when it is Red by believing that it will turn green soon. It’s every ones belief that Red light will turn green after sometime.
While going to bed, I believe that I’ll wake up on next day.
Everyone has some believes, some superstitions, and some disbelieves.

I heard some people saying Love is also a belief! I always wonder how love can be a belief.

If Love is a belief, then what type of belief and what should we believe?

How “belief makes someone love you?

Let’s say a boy loves a girl, and how "belief" made the boy to love that girl?

After looking at the girl for the first time,

Did he believe that that girl will stay with him all the time and she won’t go away with anyone else?
Did he believe that that girl will stay as beautiful as she is at the time he is loving?
Did he believe that that girl will help him out all the time throughout his life?

I don't think a boy will think of all these things when he see's a girl for the first time.

For an instance, let’s say a girl loves a boy then How belief led to her love?

When she saw a boy for the first time,

Does she need to believe that the boy will take care of her or not? Or that boy will earn money or not?

If she believes in all these things then that will be called as Security not Love.

If Love starts with belief then I have to say that belief starts only when you feel secure. If this is true, then Love starts only when a girl or boy feels secure of each other.

What do you think!! Does love starts with security?

If it is true, I love Illeana. Can anyone tell what type of security or belief making me to love Illeana? I know nothing about her, I never felt secure about her still I love her. Not only me but many people of Andhra Pradesh love Ileana.

What making them love Ileana?

Certainly, it’s not belief or Security.

Then what is Love?

I've seen Karenna Kapoor Saying Love is Respect.

I ain’t understood how Love is respect? If it is respect, then how it starts in between men and women?
What type of Respect makes love between two souls?

I respect all women, but I don’t love all the women right? I respect Kalpana Chawla’s courage, her dedications but I don’t love her. I respect Mother Terissa’s views but I don’t love her either.

I respect all the guests come to our home, I’ll be with them to help every their need during their stay, still there is no guarantee that I love them.

I don’t agree with the statement “Love is Respect”.

Then, Love is not secure feeling, Love is not Respect, Love is not belief then what love is?

I've seen many telugu movies stating that Love is sacrifice.

If Love is sacrifice, then only sacrifices should create love in human beings but its not true, since I love my friends though they don’t sacrifice anything for me.

Gandhi and many national leaders sacrificed their lives for Indian Independence. We all respect them, but I guess none of us want to marry them.

I conclude by saying that love is not a belief, not a respect, not a secure feeling, not a sacrifice. All these are qualities of Love.

When you love someone you’ll respect their ideas, you’ll respect their views, and you’ll respect their beliefs.

When you love someone you’ll believe in them. You believe that they’ll stay with you in your good, bad, happy, sorrows. You believe that they share everything. You believe that they make you happy.
When you love someone you’ll sacrifice your desires for your beloved.

All these are qualities of love but these won’t let your love started. In other words I say these are the responsibilities when you love someone.

We can see all these qualities in our parents.

In this world I guess the only love which is not polluted is parent’s love. They love us whatever we are. They’ll sacrifice many of their desires to make us happy. They’ll respect your views and they always believe in you though you fail every time.

So, we can say love is combination of respecting each other qualities though they are good or bad, believing in each other though they fail every their step, sacrificing their desires and activities to keep their beloved happy and making their beloved feel secure in their company.

Many of us say, “no one can define what love is”. I think we can explain what love is and what one will do when they are in love but we don’t know how and when it starts in one person. Well, I guess I know when it starts or how it starts.

Before explaining my view, may I ask you a question?

Why do you love your parents?
Simple answer is, they gave us birth. They shown us this world, they gave us this life.

Why our parents love us?
Straight forward answer is, we are the icons of their love. We are someone came through them.

Why do you love your siblings?
Since they share the same blood of our parents and they live with us together.

Do you love your relatives?
I don’t think someone will love their relatives until and unless they are very good in nature and helped them getting through some issues. Still I don’t think there will be some true love exists with relatives. However, we respect our relatives since they are related to us.

I love my Grand Father (Mom’s dad), since he used tell me many stories in my child hood and he used to take me to his village in holidays, he used to give me some pocket money.
Whereas I don’t really love my Dad’s dad since he was never really cared me as my other grand Father.
So, I guess there should be some kind of reason to love other than our family members (what I mean by my family is my parents and my siblings).

Then how and why one will love a girl or boy who is not related to them by any means?

What I mean by this question is why a girl loves a boy or a boy loves a girl without any relation?
(This is my main concern of this blog entry)

I loved many girls in my life. I loved Illeana (Telugu Actress); I loved Anushka (Telugu Actress); I loved my school mate. I loved my college mate etc…
I loved all these girls with all different reasons.
Before telling them let me add some philosophy in this blog entry.
God created two types of People. One is Men and the other is Women. He created women as men’s companion (Or Men as Women’s companion). He created some attraction between Men and Women. Due to this attraction, every man always stare at girls and every woman make up herself to look beautiful by wearing ornaments and all. Whatever a man or a woman achieve most of the time they don’t live individually (Exception case are like APJ Kalam, AB Vajpay,Jayalalitha, Cine actor Rekha etc…). Everyone wants their opposite sex as their companion at least at some stage of their life.

Hence, usually all men are attracted to women and women are attracted to men. Men look at women and women look at men this is nature.

God has also taken some special care in creating Human beings. He gave some unique attractions to each individual. Some are attracted with their beauties (or Handsomeness), some are attracted with charm, some are attracted with intelligent, some are attracted with their witty conversations, some are attracted with their naughtiness, some are attracted with their maturity, some are attracted with innocence, some are attracted with their easy way taking life, and some are attracted with their ignorance etc…

So, I’ll get attracted to those girls whose attractions are of my interest and I’ll attract to those girls whose interests are of my attractions.

I got attracted to Illeana, Anushka etc… since their beauty (it’s their attraction) is one of my interests. I got attracted to a girl (whom I still love, but I don’t like to tell her name here) since her innocence and her maturity is of my interests.

I love all of them, but remember the fact that everyone will have their priorities in their own interests.
My priority is given to matured innocence. Hence I strongly love only that girl who has the maturity as well as innocence (May be little difficult to have these two qualities or attractions side by side in one girl). My love won’t be true or strong towards the actress though their beauty is of my interest. (Many people love actress but many don’t like to marry them since they are not only beautiful they are damn hot and their beauty is open to all)
So, though I love 100 girls, I marry or decide to live together with only one girl whose attractions are of my prior interest.
If there are 10 girls with my prior interests it’s not always true that all the 10 girls will find their prior interest in me.

Two souls will fell in love only when their prior interests are of their beloved’s attractions and this love stay strong forever.

Most of men’s first interest is beauty. They’ll look for beauty in every girl then they’ll search for some more attractions.

If you observe almost all the loves starts as one sided and later converts to two side.

Whenever I find a girl with my prior interests I’ll obviously try to impress her with all my possible attractions. If the girl finds any attraction of mine as their prior interest then she’ll start loving you, else she never cares you.

Though I show all my attractions, Illeana won’t love me if her interests are not in my attractions.

Doesn't it make sense to you?

Observe yourself, when you fell in love with a girl, you obviously got impressed or attracted with her quality or asset.

Hence I conclude that Love can be defined and it will take place only when you got impressed with ones quality.

Love is neither blind nor dumb. No one loves blindly, it may look blind to other people, and in fact it’s not.

Therefore, Love is not a sin. Anyone can love anyone, its human right. There is no need to be panic when someone expresses their love on you; it’s your greatness that someone identified you in a group. Also there is no need that you have to love the person who expressed their love. You can tell them that you haven’t found any attraction in them. The one who express their love should also not expect love with their proposal.

PS: I’m not sure how many disagree with my opinion. It’s simply my opinion and my imagination; it may not be true always. Also if someone has any objection with the word “Attraction” you can replace it with “QUALITY”. Last thing, in this blog entry He and She are interchangeable. If you are male reading this post read she as He wherever necessary and if you female then read He as She wherever necessary.