Monday, February 2, 2009

The Legend- King of the Kings Asoka

Yesterday my roomie, Kishore played a bollywood movie Asoka. Though I like King Asoka, I never showed some interest in watching this movie before. Yesterday for the first time I watch the movie and really thought that I was fool for not watching this movie long back. After the end of the movie many questions were going in my mind. Is it 100% true? If so, why some of our Indians are against to this movie? I thought there might be some creativity of our movie script writer. I googled about King Asoka. To my surprise I found lot of interesting things about him which I never know.

When I was in school, I learn something about King Asoka. I just remember 2 things about him. The most famous one is “King Asoka Planted the Trees” (Ashokudu Chetlu Natinchenu in Telugu). I hope every Indian knows this phrase. If we ask some one about King Asoka, everyone says the same thing “Asoka Planted the Trees”. One more thing may be all the students know about him is “he was so disgusted by the cruelty and horror of Kalinga war that he renounced it. He would have no more of it. He adopted the peaceful doctrines of Buddhism.”

But before watching the movie Asoka, I never really thought why King Asoka planted the trees? Why he was so disgusted by the Kalinga War?

People say that He planted the trees because he turned into good King. He stop conquering the world after the Kalinga War because, it was very ferocious. So many people died, and blood of the soldiers flood in rivers etc...Historians say that Kalinga war is one of the biggest wars on the earth. So it might be true. But in movie Asoka he justified it in some other way. That suits much apt to King Asoka’s Quit for wars. History says Asoka probably had 4 wives. One among them is Kaurawiki. Movie says that, Asoka conquered the world because he is no more interested in living after he misses Kaurawiki. But Historians says that King Asoka had the desire of conquer the world and enlarge his reign just like his grand father Chandra Gupta Mourya.

Our movie Director tried to show King Asoka as merciful and good from the beginning which is not true. Historians guess that King Asoka might kill his own brothers to become successor of Bindusara, father of King Asoka. But I was amazed with King Asoka’s reign. May be he was the first or one of the Kings who ruled whole India along with Afghan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and some parts of Iran. I learned many facts about Asoka the Great.

I am ashamed of myself for not knowing about The Great Monarch Asoka till yesterday. He is the King whom all Indians never forget. Though he was ruler of 270B.C. we still remember him. We Indians are proud to say that we had Great emperor like Asoka. I red about his strength and got surprised. According to legends he was able to kill a lion or tiger with the help of a wood-rod only. He was also able to beat a number of weapon bearing soldiers with empty hands. Asoka was known for his sword-fighting. According to a myth when he was with his sword no one was able to go in front of him. He was very adventurous and this made him terrible. According to many historians Asoka was not a delicate prince, he was physically very rude and strong (often terrible). According to a story he was able to kill even a war elephant with the help of a knife.
Even our Indian National flag has the King Asoka’s wheel impression. Most of Indian currency coins have the 4 lions logo which was of King Asoka. I also got shocked with King Asoka’s transformation into Great King Asoka from Chand Asoka. After the Kaling War he pursued an official policy of nonviolence, ahimsa. Even the unnecessary slaughter or mutilation of animals was immediately abolished. Wildlife became protected by the king's law against sport hunting and branding. Limited hunting was permitted for consumption reasons but Asoka also promoted the concept of vegetarianism. Asoka also showed mercy to those imprisoned, allowing them leave for the outside a day of the year.

This was amazing right..? If you have some time go google about King Asoka you will come to know lot more facts. Thanks to Kishore for playing this movie. If you guys know more things about King Asoka please share with me.
