Thursday, March 19, 2009

When will be India a devoloped Nation?

From my child hood knowledge, I believe that Indus Valley Civilization and Harappa Mohenjo-Daro civilizations are one of the oldest civilizations on this earth. It means we Indians know a culture nothing but Civilization long back. (I hope I don’t need to remind you people that Indus Valley Civilizations was some time around 3500 BC). Before Vasco De Gama Discovered India some time in 1490 AD, so many Europeans as well as so many others like Aryas, Dravidas Discovered India. We all know Alexander the Great Invaded of course lost in India in some time around 330 BC. So we Indians were well civilized people just like so many countries long back.

Every one knows that we Indians are much talented than all other people across the world. Most of the people believe that Arya bhatta from India discovered (may be invented) Zero some where between 475 AD and 550AD, without witch we can’t even imagine this world.
(Though there are so many controversies about zero Invention (may be discover), we Indians believe that Arya Bhatta is the first one to Invent or discover the Zero. Some People believe that Babylonian is the first one to use the zero before Arya Bhatta. But Babylonian just used the Zero Concept, he don’t know How exactly a zero looks like. Arya Bhatta is the first one to use zero =0 in his calculations.)
Historians Believe that value of g=9.8 (forgive me if it is wrong) was invented by Indians before Sir Newton. We don’t know who exactly invented all these things, but we can conclude that Indians has the major role in this worlds Existence.

We have many more talented people from long back and it continues till now.

My question is why we Indians are still backward, still undeveloped, still developing country while we have pretty much talent with us?

We know civilization long back, we know mathematics from centuries, we know Politics years ago (We say “Chanakya Neethi”) still we are not in a position to compete with many of developed nations.

Where we are lagging behind, what is going wrong, what went wrong…?

From many years this question was keep running in my mind just like every Indian. Why we Indians are not in Commanding Position? Why our people are still hunting in different countries for Job? Why our software professionals are job less if recession is in America? Why our Indian Currency goes down if American Market is good? Why Brittan Pound has that value in India? Why we people took 200 years to get rid of bloody English men? Why we are not developed even after 60+ years after Independence? Why Japan is that dominant, and courageous to attack Pearl Harbor though it is 10% of India? Why we still follow someone’s rulez?

I remember a word from my child hood “Industrial Revolution”. I didn’t understand what that was in my child hood, but soon after I grew older I came to know what that was. This was the revolution took long time to come India, and I believe is the backwardness of India. If we invented something like Telephone, Telegraph, or Air Plane India would have been the developed nation.
We know Agriculture, but don’t know modern techniques. We people still won’t follow modern techniques to improve the result of Agriculture. We know all the things, but we know all in Conventional ways. We never got updated with technology; we never tried to change the things. This is the main point we are lagging behind many of developed nations.

We people don’t like to experiment the new things rather we would like to follow the old conventional way. We don’t like to take risks, we are afraid of taking them. We are afraid of the result, hence the result is. So, I blame our Indian brains which stick to conventional ways. Though we have few people to take risks, many hands are there to stop them. Our mentality is, we don’t do some thing and we never allow some one to do that. If this is the case continues, India will always be a developing Nation.

One more thing I believe for delayed Industrial Revolution in India is because of the British Rule and Because of KING Ruling. Before British coming to India, we used to have so many Kings within India, and every King calls his particular reign as a nation. Every King has his own rules, and our Kings were never united. At the same time they were not aware of this technology, hence the people of those reigns are not aware of any of these things. When we don’t know about the bicycles, British came to India with Cars. See the difference, if our Kings were united, and if they don’t have any quarrels between them they would have been thought of this technology, but they were always interested in occupying other Kingdom, ruling whole India. Thanks to British, though they looted every thing from us, they showed us Transportation system, Communication System, Modern Technology etc... Only bad with them was they got every thing from India, left us without any thing. If we don’t have British come to India, imagine still we were ruled by some King XYZ 12…I think every one aware of the fact that Nizam was ruled Hyderabad even in 1940.

Therefore I believe major two things for making India undeveloped is our coward mentality, and our Use less kings. Third one is our innocence for feeding British for 200 years and our laziness we never really tried hard to get developed. America was also a ruled by Europeans, but they got independence very quickly and developed as if there was nothing happened.

After we got Independence in 1947, we had the opportunity to grow up, but once again our dirty minds stopping to rise high. I think we didn’t even extended the Rail ways left by British, we are still stick with those lines (may be we added very few new lines). It has been 60+ years we got Independence still many of our villages don’t have proper road ways and don’t have proper way of transportation. It has been 60+ years British left us, still we use the old conventional way of Agriculture; we use bullock carts and plough for Agriculture. We don’t even try to use new thing in our land, if my neighbor got profit with Cotton every one of my village goes for cotton. If some XYZ got good profit with Rice every one follows him. We guys never use our brain. Our Education system, it is still teaching 1991 Population Count. Our mentality in education is also not changes, if software gets down no one dare to take CSE in B.Tech. If it is going good out there, we don’t hesitate to buy a seat for 1 lakh. If my relative or my friend or my neighbor goes to America, Every one goes to America. British taught us Telegraph, and Land line phone system we stick to those things till 1990s. At this time Internet was very much used by other countries. Fax came into picture in some time 1990s. I believe still many of our people don’t know what an Internet is?

We never dare to do new things; same thing applies in every field of our India. Even in our Indian movies one movie with some triangular love story hits, min 10 of those kind come back to back. If we take sports, Cricket is the only game we people are playing in these days; no one tries to play Hockey, Tennis etc...That is the reason we will get 1 or none Medal in Olympics. Many of us in future forget that Hockey is our National Game and Kabaddi is AP’s State Game.

I know from my social teacher Nagaraju (Thanks to the great man, who taught me all this) that once India got freedom, there was no one dared to invest in Market. The first one to come was Tata and Birla. They dared to invest and we know how big they are now. If they took their leg back in those days, we can’t see this much progress even. We never dare to invest in some thing new as we follow the old conventional ways. I remember a small quote in Telugu “PATA CHINTAKAYA PACCHADI RUCHI” (Old Tamarind pickle is tasty), we follow this line in our lives. This is not true, we should come out of it as early as possible else our grand children will study in their books “India is a developing Country”.

One bigger draw back is we are selfishness. We say in words that we love India so much, but we never show this in our actions, rather we show we love our selves than India. This selfishness making our politicians corrupt. This selfishness making us to stay backwards.
Government of India issues funds for transportation system of public, but the concerned politician, Contractors will fill their pockets with that money as they are selfish, not worried about Indian progress, but worried about their family, his status etc… A police officer never takes action unless offered some bribe, because he don’t mind crime in India, he is just worried about his pocket. Our Traffic Police never worries about Traffic but worries about money. Our Government Officials worries about their families and some unnecessary activities like girls etc... Results comes to office at 11.00 AM and leaves the office 3.00PM including a 1 hour lunch break and 3 tea breaks. We always worry about our near and dears get the jobs even if they are not eligible for that. If some eligible candidate gets placed instead of not qualified our relative it will be much helpful to the company production, which results Country growth, but we don’t mind it since we are selfish. We have plenty of Software Engineers across the world working for different clients. Assume if India has good investors we don’t need to go to USA for a software job and sit on the bench till our bank balance goes to zero and our default APR for credit cards go to 29.99%. In America every single non-sense there is some web site, but in India we couldn’t even have web site for some important thing. We don’t need a database back up because we will never refund some thing and we will never re check any bill. Our banks don’t have a website (These days they are developing). If we don’t have a banks like ICICI, HDFC,and HSBC I don’t know when we would have been know about online banking system. Our Banks are scared to give Credit Cards and afraid to sanction loans.

We never research some new thing, though we have project works in our curriculum, we never did project on some thing new. We always copy some thing. Scientists are like fools in some body’s point of view. Our Government doesn’t encourage us even if we have some real desire inside. With all these conditions it is day dreaming to think we will reach America.

If we leave selfishness, and if we dare to Invest and if we dare to do new things for sure, we are Leaders. At that point of time we don’t need to learn English, many English speaking nations will learn Hindi, Indians don’t get humiliated in USA or UK, Lot of immigrants come to India and our dolor rate will become 44 times to American dolor value.

Though India is developing a little bit in these days, there is lot more we got to develop. The rate we are developing is not in compatible with the rate other nations are developing and the development is only limited to few cities. Lot more work we got to do. May be this youth power of India make some difference.

Wake Up my dear Bros and Sis….Leave the conventional ways, leave your laziness, leave your selfishness make India a developed nation.

I woke up, how many or with me….?

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