Monday, August 3, 2009

When will I stop dreaming...??

It’s been 8993 days I am here on this earth (till August 03, 2009 CST). I was a typical middle class man in all these days. I was always hiding my desires inside my heart. I had a dream from my childhood when I can’t ask my dad to buy me an Ice-cream more than once in a month, “I’ll study well, I’ll get a good job and I’ll earn lot of money when I grew older and then I’ll buy everything I need and I desire”. I am about to be 25 yrs old in a couple of months, and this world already started calling me as a big man who grew older, but I am still dreaming the same which I dreamed at the age of 10. I studied OK, got a job still I am in the same place where I thought I left it. If average life span of a human being is 60 years, then I’ll live for 21915 days, among them almost half of them spent already by dreaming the future.

When will I live without dreaming? Or when will I stop dreaming and accomplish my dreams?
well, I have no answer to this question.
May be I need to Dream again to answer this question…!!
Working on Monthly salary is not looking as the feasible way to pass through my dreams, but what can I do other than this? If I knew the solution I would not have wrote this.
From the last week of the month, my eyes will start staring at the calendar for the 1st of next month, becoz the weight of my wallet gets credited by then. When I realize the 1st week of the month, I don’t even feel happy since all the credit card bills, mortgages, loans, phone bills, room rents, grocery bills will come in front of me and remind me about my credit history if I fail to pay them. When I start calculating all of them, I notice “I am out of money”. I’ll keep about 200 to 300$ aside, since there is still many days left in that month.
What in this world a man can do with 200 bucks?
I can’t go to lunch with my colleagues, since I know I need to pay for my lunch which costs an amount which looks very huge since I have only 200 bucks left in wallet. Luckily I don’t have a car; otherwise it would have been difficult for me to pay the EMI of the car, and Insurance of the car. All these 200 remaining bucks would have been spent on Gas. However am I really a lucky man without a car? I don’t think so..!
This remains a dream to me. I don’t know how long I need to wait to have one.

I’m paying the credit cards from almost about 2 years, but to my surprise the credit remains same. I’m paying my student loan from almost about a year; it still looks like a big mountain. God damn, when can I pay all of them?
May be I need to dream for a year or two to get out of these credits.

Sometimes may be once or twice in a year, I’ll save about 1000$...When I feel, I am saving money I’ll be out of the project for couple of months and I’ll use all of those savings and I’ll be out of the money again. I am 25 (24.85 exactly) but till now didn’t really saved 25 bucks.

What time I’ll come out of this waiting for 1st of the Month?
Umm.., I think I’ll never get out of these problems if I work as a software contractor. In fact people in here will assume that Contractors are one among the rich people and they’ll earn lots of lots of money. They don’t know what we get. We get nothing…literally we get shit. The Middle men (brokers to be exact) will be rich than the actual. Well, I can’t really blame these brokers since we don’t get the shit I was talking about without them.

Man what kind of life is this..???
Sometimes I want to be a “GHAJINI” who forgets everything and remembers only 1st of the month.
I’ve seen my dad thinking like me. He has seen his dad thinking like him. May my son will see me thinking like him. When will we get rich…??
You see, I am dreaming again…!!
I know there are millions of people who live their lives in dreaming. There are so many others in this world who don’t even dare to dream.
I heard so many people saying, it is easy to live as poor and easy to live as rich but always difficult to be a middle class man. When comes to work, my client may or may not be happy, middle man is always happy and I will never be happy. Why this thing is happening when comes to work.
I work hard, both client and middle man are rich and I’ll be in middleclass.
So, if you can invest some money, you may be rich…!
When can we Invest money…??
Only Investors family becoming investors and workers who work for them are always becoming workers.
I think this world may have been created as 2 types of people, one who invests, second who work.
I don’t know whether I am lucky or not to born as Worker.
I heard some of my friends saying that we are really lucky to be born as middle class men, since rich people can’t really live peacefully. Well, I never been rich so I don’t know what mental tensions they have but I’ve been in middle class I know the peacefulness of this. I never seen a poor man’s feelings but I can understand them and I feel little lucky to be as middleclass.

My question always be same,
When can one become rich? Particularly when will this middleclass life ends?
May be never…, since we never realize that we become rich when we buy a car, we never realize when we own a duplex. I believe God forgot to add some compromise and some satisfaction to the Human beings while he is manufacturing.

Wait a second..!!
Did anyone understand what I am trying to tell…? Oops, I don’t know what I am talking about (Ha ha ) , I’ll continue this once I figure out what exactly I am trying to tell.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Title of this blog made me to start reading it. I've completed it only about first 20 lines. Here my view is "Happyness is a journey, not a destination". If you understand this its OK, if you don't like it you may delete it HAPPILY :) :-)KEEP SMILING.

  3. I am not going 2 delete any comments whether they are good r bad since they are your perspective of the thing. I totally agree with your saying "Happyness Is journey not destination". However I am sad becoz I am not travelling in that journey I am still dreaming about that journey my concern is when should I start my journey?
