Friday, November 13, 2009

Is 2012- The End of the World (Dooms Day)...???

In recent days, wherever I go…I’m listening up the discussion about the End of The World 2012. When I  know nothing about the factors causing the end of the world, I was little ambiguous. I did some research on Google and YouTube about this and came across many things. One thing I was clear with all those topics and articles  that it’s still a prediction, no one yet officially confirmed or guaranteed that the world will end on December 22nd2012.
  Well, God knows the truth but many people are making money out of this prediction. I’ve seen couple of websites offering a pack of CD’s  which describes all the blah blah of this non-sense for 50$. Also someone already made movie and also getting good collections it seems.
  Oh Dear..! I’m pretty sure that this is not gonna happen. I’ll celebrate my birthday on 22ndth December 2012. I cordially invite all you people to come join me on that day…(If I die on this day don't mind...Lets have a party in the hell---I'm sorry hell the is only place I'll go)
     I heard my mom saying a fact about “Skylab Fell On To The Earth”. Everyone thought that they’ll die anytime in that period of 12 days(NASA has lost the control over Skylab and they came to know that it is coming back to the earth in July 1979). Many people sold their properties at that time and most of the people were on leave to die with their loved ones, everyone is enjoyed like anything. July 12th 1979 people woke up and see they are still alive since Skylab was fell in Hindu or Arabian Ocean (I’m not sure of the Ocean). Everyone was safe. Skylab remained as a comedy to me when I heard about it for the first time and I’m sure this End of the world will also remain as one funnier incidents of life I guess.
  If I dig more into this End of the world 2012, this myth or whatever you call was in the public fuss from the day some guy like me (Who has no real work to do) revealed it by looking at The Mayan Calendar. Mayan’s believe that their Calendar was true all the times. Well, I’m not sure whether there was written something like “on December 22nd 2012 All the People will die and this world will be end” but I read like there was nothing written after this date. So they believe if there is nothing written in the calendar after 22nd December, then there is no 23rd December.
 Few People did mention about Nostradamus theory. Oh Boy…! Stop believing in this Nostradamus. I do remember a word written by Nostradamus which was terrifying in the year 1999. He said that there will be a Third world war in 1999, but I don’t remember any world war in 1999, do you? Some said, everyone will die in 1999 and no one can see millennium. Some says something and some other says some other thing. These guys are all predicting are guessing the future. Nostradamus wrote all his so called facts 500 years ago. God knows how he predicted all those things but to his luck few things had happened according to his prediction. Still I don't believe in his theory, since I can predict so many things about future. Who knows one or two may happen. I guess it is just like throwing a stone in the dark. 
  Even these guys’ predictions are true; my question is why someone doesn’t tell what they written all at a time. Why these guys are publishing or revealing those things installment basis.
  Now Scientists started researching to judge whether these predictions are true or not. I hope they’ll come up with a big NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Some scientists believe that solar storms are entering to the earth on the same so called dooms day. So, they guess this’ll be the disaster. Some other scientists guess that some Volcano eruptions may occur on the same day since the Yellowstone volcano is said to have an erupting pattern for every 650,000 years. The pressure under this volcano is building continuously. Many geologists foresee that this volcano is ready for a massive bang in the 2012 end of the world.  
According to the calculations made by expert scientists, it is anticipated that the Earth will face major destruction in 2012 end of the world. To make the matter even worse, their predictions tells that all human beings will die very shortly with 99% certainty.

An even weirder thing is that in the magnetic field of the Earth have been reported holes similar to ozone holes. It seems that the magnetic poles will soon reverse and this will affect our planet's capacity to defend against heavy objects that will attack us in the future. The planetary alignment could lead to a huge solar storm.

Also scientists think that the solar system has just entered in an interstellar node with a very powerful energy and electromagnetic activity. The entire solar system is reacting, trying to adapt to the new situation.

They also say that the climax will be in 2012 end of the world!

Different people are predicting in different ways. Some say that Instead of natural disaster there might be some human made disaster which will cause the world to be end in 2012.

Well…I don’t think this world will end 2012. Even some disaster comes, definitely some people will alive on this earth. (I wish I’m not the one who stays on this earth)
I strongly believe disaster won’t let you know before it is hitting you.
Even If we were hit by some disaster, what would be the best other than dying all together?
I pray to God, take me out of this world as early as possible before I can commit some more sins.
Keep these things aside, are you really scared of Dooms day? Are you scared of dying?  I’m not and I’m very eager.

PS: This post may leave a wrong impression that I’m very excited to die. Someone may ask me if I’m that interested to die why don’t I die right away by jumping into some empty well. Well, for those who got this impression let me clear you that I don’t wanna commit suicide. I’m talking about death, as I fed up with all problems around. Don’t ask me what are they since mine are not new.
  See Ya later Amigos.
Till Then, Adios.


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