Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some thing about Travelling

Hi There,

Today, I am fed up with my work. I am feeling little drowsy. I don’t know the reason but I am not willing to work today. Therefore I wrote the previous blog entry. After publishing it, my mind started counting the number of states I’ve visited in U.S. As I said it has been 2 yrs for me to stay in America, till now I’ve visited more than 10 states. My mind started to count the number of states I’ve visited in India. To my surprise the count came to 3. Man..! I have born in India, brought up there, stay there for 22 years. But I just visited 3 states in India. I started thinking the reason behind it. I ask myself Does our Indians don’t like to travel? May be the answer is yes.

When I was at the age of 12, our school arranged an excursion. They are planning a trip across Andhra Pradesh. I was always interested to travel from my childhood. I went to my mom and told her about my school excursion proposal. She simply denied it. She said, she is not gonna allow me to go any excursion. I tried to explain her many things but nothing really worked. My dad didn’t said no but he failed just like me to convince my mom. After then, I never dared to ask my mom about this kind of trips. This is the similar situation happened in most of my friends. We were unable to go to any trip. The reason my mom told me for her denial is little convincing to me at that time. She said “Son, you are a kid, you don’t know any thing and I don’t know about your teachers, I don’t know how well they take care of you guys. Hence I’ll never allow you children to this kind of trips.” Instead of this trip, she promised me that she will plan some tour in future with our family. But those plans remained as plans till today.

So, I think the first reason behind not traveling is our parents fear. May be most of the parents stop their children till 10th standard. But my mom stopped me even in my engineering days. She always scared to send me near oceans, rivers...But she failed to stop me to visit Karnataka. Situation demanded me to visit Bangalore to write GRE. Situation demanded me to visit Mysore to attend Air Force exam. Situation demanded me to visit Chennai to attend US Consulate. So what I understood with these incidents is our parents allow us only when there is some thing really needed to travel.

One more thing I noticed is, most of our Indian children will get handful of money only at the age of 23 if he gets any job right after his/her graduation. May be the average age is 20 at which every Indian child have handful of money. Till 23 or till you get any job u r dependent on your parents. Hence we can not plan any trip outside our state, because it costs lot of money.

One more problem we had is lack of good transportation. It takes almost 12 hours to reach Bangalore from Hyderabad unless you take some flight. But most of the Indian middle class people can’t afford flight charges; they don’t even dare to imagine a flight for some tour. They always plan some train journey which is cheaper and much comfort compared with all other ways of transportation. Train is a good option, but its very time consuming. Hence we can not expect weekend trips or long weekend trips. If we really planned to visit neighbor state, we need minimum of 5 days holiday. But I don’t think we can have 5 days holiday unless you are not working somewhere. Even if we get 5 days holiday, we don’t find a good company to plan a trip. If you plan a trip for a week let me tell you, it will cost minimum of 10,000/- just for one state trip. We Indians don’t like to spend this huge amount of money for a week day trip. Even if they can afford it, their next trip will be in next year. We just like to save the money. We people think these kinds of trips are just waste of money.

So our people don’t travel any where for site seeing, but they travel only to pilgrims. So it’s very hard to find an Indian who travelled all over India. Our people don’t like to travel once they grew older. Our people don’t like to travel once they got married and have few children. Our people don’t dare to travel till at the age of 15. We couldn’t make time to travel when we are as students. We couldn’t make time to travel when we are working in some company. So for an Indian, he won’t really get an opportunity sorry sorry...., we won’t really like to make opportunity to travel.

But I am able to travel or visit almost 10 states of America in 2 years because; I don’t have any one here who really can restrict me just like my mom. I can travel 600 miles in 6hrs (If we forget the speed limit), or 8 hrs (If we are within the speed limit) so I can make a trip within a weekend. I am staying with friends, everyone like to travel. We are not really worried about money because trip costs very little amount. I don’t need to plan 2 weeks prior to travel. I can hire a car very easily. Every thing is convenient here.

If we seriously desired to travel across whole America, I think it may take 2 months to cover all the 50 states. But if we desire in India, It may take more than 2 months to cover all the states (less than 50 states). I know why our Indian tourism is lacking behind the funds now, because of bad transportation and bad roads. How can a foreigner dare to come to India if we have this bad transportation? Very few foreigners come to India and our Indians don’t like to or don’t have time to travel; therefore our tourism is still behind the screen. I don’t think we can drive 120 KMPH speed continuously for an hour in our Indian roads. Though roads are fine, everyone scared about the pedestrians crossing the highways and animals come on to the highways.

If I go on speaking about our Indian roads, and our Indian traffic system that is going to be one more issue. Let me discuss it some other time. At the end I came up with the reason behind our not having travelling. But Still I have no Idea how to create interest in our Indians. May be it is difficult right...!! What do you guys think of it..??

(This content is just as per my knowledge. I spoke about common Indian man i.e. a typical middle class Indian. Because I believe more than 50% of Indian families are middle class. I may be wrong in any of the things I just spoke, or I may don’t have adequate knowledge in this area. I am not a real critic. So please excuse me if I am wrong, instead suggest me something good)

Request to My Mom:
I always speak about my mom if I write any entry like this. I don’t mean to criticize my mom or hurt my mom. I don’t want to show that my mom is wrong or something. She is typical Indian mom. I hope everyone’s mom is like my mom. I just took an example of my mom to make the things little clear. Mom I really love you. I may do the same thing if I am in your position. So don’t take it serious. You may be right in your situation. I can understand you well. I know you well. Love you so much mom. Excuse me if I hurt any of your feelings.


Get 2 Gather with my VBIT American Friends

Hey There..!

From last two, three days I am thinking what should I write in next post? I got few suggestions from few of my friends, everyone of them suggesting me something. Some times I end up with no thought. I ask few questions to myself, what was my intention while creating the blog. Am I on right track? Or did I lose my tempo. All these things disturbed me a lot. But at last I’ve decided to write whatever comes in my mind weather it is good or bad, don’t worry about it. From then I got few ideas.

Actually I should have been written this post little earlier. But because of my laziness and may be because of my disorder I am late. So are u people ready to read the post?

As I told you about my American VBIT friends in previous post...I am sticking to the same concept for now.

Once we 6 friends left VBIT, just 4 of us together at same place. But we never really got an opportunity to see Pradeep and Arun for 2 years. From the day one in America, I had a desire of get 2 gather. But it took almost 2 years to complete my desire. Though Venu, Sandeep, Aravind and I are together for one year, Venu and I left Sandeep and Aravind. So it has been very long time we didn’t meet with any one. But for this Christmas we got an opportunity for get 2 gather. Every one of us is free and every one of us is ready for it. As I am in exact centre of America, Everyone came to Chicago, IL. We gathered for almost 10 golden days. At last we couldn’t even know how these 10 memorable days passed.

We spent most our time in traveling. We covered almost 6 states. Our first trip was to IOWA, Venu stays there. On the day of Christmas, We know nothing is opened across America. Hence our plan is just to go to some theatre and watch some movie. We watch YES MAN movie in some theatre near to venu’s home. It was big entertainer for all of us. Most of us are big fans to the Hero Jim Carey. But I don’t know much about him that was the first time I saw him. Movie was very good, full length comedy entertainer hence we enjoyed a lot there. Right after that movie we people went to Temple. And we planned to go to Pioneer Village next day in Nebraska. It is just about 5 hrs away from Iowa. We expected much enjoyment at Pioneer Village. But unfortunately it is a big flop. Pioneer Village failed to reach our expectation. It was simply like a museum where we can know many things about the past. Though it was little disappointment for us, the journey was very interesting. For the first time in America I saw 75MPH speed limit in Nebraska. Up to then I just saw 70MPH speed limit in inter states and I thought that was maximum. But I got surprised with 75MPH speed limit. The Interstate was very great to travel. Road side is fully filled with agricultural fields which made us feel like we are in India. The Interstate is also not that curvy it’s almost a straight road along. But early in the morning road was completely filled with lot of fog which made driving very difficult. To be honest I couldn’t see any thing in front of me while driving. I blindly followed Venu’s car ahead of me. Hence the journey was thrilling but the destination was little disappointment for all of us. Mean while I’ve completed my wish to visit University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I got rejected my admission here for Masters. Hence I had a desire to see this university. It was O.K...One more interesting thing I found in I-35 was Cops. I found a cop for every 2 miles. Thank god for the first time I was in speed limit so got escaped from violation ticket.

As this trip is disaster and left lot of unsatisfaction in every one of us, we planned some thing real interesting that day. We planned to go to bowling on that night. Yeah, we got some thing real entertainment there. We played for almost 2 and half hours there and we were fully loaded with beer. Very hardly came to home from there and had some more beer. No one was in conscious; we don’t exactly know what we were speaking about. Next day every one had some hang over so we changed our plan from skewing to Casino.
Because we can go to Casino in night time, we can have some rest in day time. Though we have Casino’s near to Des Moines, Iowa, we are interested to go some good Casino far away from IOWA so that we can travel. We people are actually like to travel new places hence we planned to go to Kansas City; Missouri which is about 3 hours journey from Des Moines, Iowa. It was entertaining at Casino. Aravind, Venu and I played roulette, we didn’t get any money instead we loose a lot there. Sandeep, Pradeep and Arun played some other games but no one got a penny. We are not intended to get some thing from Casino, but we wanted some entertainment. Therefore we never worried about loosing money. The trip to Kansas City was little risky because the trip was in night and mean while there was heavy snow. Once again we couldn’t see any thing on road. But I managed to drive safely to home.

The next day we returned from Iowa, because I got to go to office for 2 days. My friends except Venu accompanied me to Chicago. When I went to office, Aravind, Sandeep, Pradeep, and Arun had few small trip to Indiana. Arun graduated from Purdue University, Indiana. Hence they went there. They also had few small trips across Chicago, IL. After 2 days as I got leave from office, we planned some thing real interesting on 31st December. We went to Wisconsin Dulles, Wisconsin which is about 3hrs from Chicago. We had real fun at water and theme parks at Wisconsin Dulles. But the journey was very horrible because of the Interstate construction. We spent till evening at Wisconsin and planning some thing for 31st Night. Arun, Aravind and Me wanted to go to some dance club or some club to welcome the New Year. But Pradeep and Sandeep were not really interested to go to these clubs. Pradeep suggested us to welcome the New Year from our home by playing cards. I said well, its ok but lets do some thing real interesting. Suddenly we wanted to give shock to Venu. I directed the car towards Iowa instead of Chicago. When we reach Iowa exactly at 00.00 Am, we were unable to give shock to Venu, because he gave us some surprise with fully loaded Red Label. We welcome New Year and greeted every possible friend on that night; we also had some cocktail in that night.

Next day everyone got ready and went to some Indian Restaurant in Des Moines. I don’t want to mention this restaurant but it was that horrible for which I can’t stop my self mentioning it here. To our surprise Venu said that All Indian Restaurants in Des Moines are much more disasters. After having Lunch we started our journey back to Chicago. We all know that trip is the last trip in our gather. So we did every possible kind of thing on that day. I also want to mention one more thing here, while coming back to Chicago from Iowa; we took exit some where nearer to Chicago for Pizza Hut. I left my heart there for 2 days to a girl who works in that pizza Hut. She was so beautiful and her I can’t even forget her smile now. I also want to mention one more thing here, while going to Iowa from Wisconsin Our GPS showed some new weird way. It was very horrible. To my fear, my friends started a topic on “BHOOT”. They started discussed about spirits and souls. I was very frightened as these guys notice that thing in my speech.

There comes our end of trip. One by one left me with sweet memories. During our trip, Pradeep, Arun, and Venu were very comic. But overall it was a great trip. We never forget these memories and our sweet friendship. Everyone back to their work now. But we still memorize those moments when we talk on phone. From this trip we got an opportunity to know about every one of us little closely. Thanks all of you my friends for making this trip successful and memorable. If possible we’ll plan many more get 2 gathers in future. Till then friends I’ll miss u.


Monday, January 19, 2009

My American VBIT Friends..

Hi There,
It has been 2 yrs for me in USA. Till today I can’t expect my life here without my friends. These friends are not the friends whom I got here. These are the fellows whom I was with in my Engineering in India. Though some of them are not that thick friends to me at that time, they are all now very great friends to me. Other than one, all of the others are good friends of mine. But one was really a great friend of mine in Engineering.
Now let me list those friends... The first one is Sandeep, and the followers are Pradeep, Venu, Aravind and Arun. Other Than Aravind are my Classmates as well.

Sandeep, Pradeep, and Arun are the first one to come to USA from our batch. Venu, Aravind and I are the followers to them in next sem. Venu, Aravind and I went to the same place where Sandeep is studying. From my first breathe in US, either Venu or Sandeep with me. Pradeep n Arun are always there for courage and for some strength. Aravind is like “Andarivadu”. I pity on him he struggled from day 1 in US. Just like Aravind, Venu and I struggled a lot in the early days. We don’t have legal accommodation, we don’t have any Phones, and we don’t have jobs. We don’t have right guidance. Unfortunately I don’t even know cooking. Hence food is also a problem to me.
From the first or second week I was in scarcity of money for some reasons (I don’t like to tell the reason.).

Though Venu didn’t get good support from any of us initially, he survived by god’s grace, especially with Aravind Company. Sandeep helped me a lot in finding the job, finding some legal accommodation, getting the phone contract. Though I don’t know cooking, he always cooks for me. He was always there in any kind of problem to me. He helped me to pay the room rent, he pay for my groceries etc... He was always there to me. I don’t know, I don’t even dare to think about my survival in Mobile, AL. He treated me like my mother; he treated me like my brother. He always suggested me good. I lived my life like a KING in Mobile, AL with Sandeeps Friendship. Venu and Aravind were supportive to us. When it seemed like things are working fine in AL, One bad KATRINA divided us. There was a situation, Venu and I need to transfer from the university to maintain the status in US. We just got transferred to Virginia (VA).

Here in Virginia Venu was almost like one more Sandeep to me. He was with me in every good and bad. He always took care of me. Though Sandeep is not physically present there in VA, He was always there in Phone. But Venu was very handy and supportive to me in both job, education, money n all.

Though Pradeep and Arun are not present with us physically... they used to call minimum once in a week. We used to be in conference for hours. We discuss about everyone’s problem and tried to solve them. Of course this conference is still going on. We all are like a family here. We support each other. We were together. Upon our successful completion of our graduation Venu and I came to Chicago, IL for job search. We both were marketed by same company. Fortunately Sandeep came to same Chicago but not to our company. Here once again Venu was real helpful to me in Chicago. Sandeep was supportive in Phone. Pradeep n Arun are remaining same on phone.

Venu got project in IOWA and he left. For the first time in USA I live for almost 1 month without any friends (Engineering Friends) company. I felt very bad. Though Sandeep is not far away from me, it proved very difficult for me to see him once in a week. This is because I always got tired with my project. But to my luck Sandeep switch his company to my company. I couldn’t find any loneliness after his arrival. He is still taking care of me even better than he had before.

When I got ill, I don’t know what to do. I have no idea how to get out of it. I didn’t get insurance yet, so I can’t go to the hospital. I can’t do self medication. It was big interruption in my project progress. Let me tell you, if Sandeep is not there, I may get fired from the project. And I am sure I couldn’t write this article here. I was completely speechless. As a son of Doctor Sandeep has little experience in serving the ill health. He was completely like my dad, took care of me 24*7. He still cooks for me.

I don’t know, I don’t even imagine my life here in USA without these friends. Dear Friends I really owe you guys. You were always helpful to me. You were always with me for every good and bad situation. I am really thankful to GOD for giving me friends like this. We were one...we will be one forever.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

About Children..!!

Yesterday, after coming from office just sat and thinking what to do. Automatically my fingers went to EA SPORTS Cricket 07 and started playing it. Some time after I got bored with that game and feeling a kind of madness. My buddy Sandeep is searching for some movie. He said Jumps do u like to watch “FORBIDDEN KINGDOM”? I said lets watch it man, its very boring. I have no idea about this movie, but rating given around 9/10 some thing like that. It is Jackie Chan n Jet lie’s movie. Started watching it with no interest, but to my surprise! I don’t know when 2 hrs passed out. That movie was very interesting. After watching movie, my brain went to past. They are my schooling days; my friends are learning KARATE n KUNGFU. I went to mom first and asked her "Mom I want to learn Karate". She simply replied ‘NO’. I didn’t even ask her ‘WHY?’, because there is some ready made answer for my mom, "concentrate on u r studies, and u r in 10th Standard. You should score good marks". My dad says the same thing. AAh man!! My life is only for study. These guys never allow me to play; never allow me to learn Karate. Never allow me to do other than study. So Karate left as burning desire in me. I turned 24now, but still I never really got an opportunity or I couldn’t make opportunity to learn Karate. I didn’t mean to blame my parents, I love them a lot.

But I don’t understand why our parents do like this...!!! They always want us to study. My mom particularly never allowed me to play cricket in Play ground, which is very near by my home and all of my friends play everyday there. My mom is very scary about us. She used to think like “If I allow these children to play, they may get hurt r they may quarrel among them, they may fight, some thing may happen...” So she always restricted us to play Cricket in Play ground. But she allowed me to play with my neighbors and with my bros in front of my house. Its like gully cricket. I requested her many times to allow me to play in Playground. She always refused. Hence there is only one way I can play at play ground, cheat her. I used to tell her, "Mom I have some private class or I am going to my friends’ home or some lie according to the situation". But every time she caught me. She beat me many times. But I didn’t get change. My friends and me started bunk the school and go to some play ground to play Cricket. My Teachers never complained to my parents on this issue because the attendance register is always says Jilani is present in the class. I was the leader of the class. But this time my dad caught me while he is heading to office. Don’t ask me what happened next..?? But Jilani didn’t get change. I always grab every possible opportunity to lie with my mom to play cricket. Though I am doing these many tricks they never understood me. At the same time I failed to understand them.

Any way I’ve completed 10th standard, completed my intermediate. My mom never allowed my brothers and my self to play cricket in play ground. So automatically, I lost interest in playing cricket. But I’ve noticed that my younger brother is some thing similar to me. He is also trying to cheat my mom. But he doesn’t know the fact that his brother (i.e. me) passed the same situation and he can understand his tricks. I know he is cheating my mom just to play cricket.

I was in dilemma for few days, shall I inform my mom about his tricks or shall I ignore.
I was the person who is doing the same tricks to play cricket, now how can I inform to my mom. But I am the eldest son of the family, I should inform her. I thought for 2 days n went to my mom n dad told them, Let Sajeed Play cricket every day. Mom n dad its not good that u r son is cheating u. If you people stop us, we will find some wrong way. So, please allow him to play. Nothing will happen; I’ll take care if any thing goes wrong. I told them “You people always asked me to study, but how many marks I got?” They r not completely convinced but they allowed my brother to play cricket then on wards.

Hence I’ll request every single parent to think over it. Let your children Play. Don’t always tell them to study. Whatever they study in their childhood, that is not gonna help them in future. They’ll forget all of that non-sense. For sure, they’ll learn the things in future. For example I’ve learnt Ohm’s Law in 8th standard. But I don’t remember that law till Intermediate. I once again learnt it in Intermediate, forgot it again. I learnt it in Engineering (Of course I remember it now). Similarly many things got repeated in higher studies. So don’t let our children work like a donkey carrying a bag of 10kgs.Let them do whatever they like to do. Don’t ask them to do u r interests. That is their life, let them live. You are already living u r life. I don’t know in 6th standard what these children learn something in IIT standard? Now a days there are many IIT foundation schools are coming. Children are not even interested to study normal subject. What the hell these guys teach at the age of 12 in their schools in IIT standard?

I know this generation is much faster. But whatever the generation is a child is child. No one likes to sit in the school from morning 8 to evening 8 at the age of 8. Education is important. But only education is not important. Holidays are reducing day by day. When I was a kid, my Grandpa used to tell me these many stories. If I went to village (My grandpa’s hometown), I used to play every possible game. If some big festivals like Dussera, Sankranti Comes we used to get 10 days as holidays. I don’t think in these days this is the thing happening. The situation is like as soon as some one born, he needs to compete with some other. This is not acceptable.

By thinking all these things...I went into sleep. (Time was 11.03 PM)....I can hear with low voice some cool song “tera naa hona” from Jab we met.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Few things abt India, and Request to People..!!

When I was a kid, I had a passion to become a scientist after reading the life stories of few scientists. So, I went to my teacher n told him about my desire. He asked me “Y do u want to be a Scientist?” Then I said I want to do some thing to people. Some useful thing to the people so that every one can remember me for long time n if possible there should be some topic in text books about me. He said well, it’s a great Idea, so work on it. But to become a scientist u need to think little bit different. Don’t look at the problem as a common man but look it like an emerging scientist. Whenever something comes into u r mind simply ask few questions to u r self ...WHY, WHAT, n HOW...It gave me some Idea. And after that every time I saw something I started thinking What, Why n How.
When I look into the text books I got plenty of questions how and why...Unfortunately my teachers are not 100 % to clarify my doubts...may be my questions were not valid.
So I stop thinking about my subject but I started thinking about India while learning Social Studies... Why our India is like this? Why we still follow some one else procedure? Why can’t we become role models? Why India is still Developing Country? Why Indian Rupee is that low? What went wrong in India? In that tiny age I don’t know have answers to these questions, even if I ask these question to my Dad he simply says “Beta too to aur bhi bhaccha Hai, Iske liye sochne ki umar nai tera...jao pado likho ya naito Khelo”. Ahh Dad, Come on...!! He always gave me the same answer. I asked my cousin...He tried to explain me but my dad was correct I was unable to understand politics, Economy, in that age. Those questions remained as questions in my mind for lots of days. My mom used to say “SON U WILL GET THE ANSWERS TO U R QUESTIONS ONCE U GREW OLDER...FOR FEW QUESTIONS THERE IS SOME AGE CONSTRAINT”. I believe in her my surprise I am getting answers to those questions with time and with the age. But I am still confused, what exactly I can do to India. How I can get India out of this Situation?
The best answer is to entering into politics and serve India...!! But is it possible for an ordinary man to enter in Politics...That too in India. I saw huge people who lost their wealth n health in that Race. What time I can go to some CM position or some other commanding position and Rule a state. May be it is possible in Dreams.
So, Politics in not a best Idea for me...!!
We can do service without entering into politics... But it needs lots of money and lots of support from Government of India. Otherwise it is almost impossible to serve the poor.
I got only choice now just motivate the people. Make the people literate. Tell them what is happening around. Clear them what we need exactly.
So First step India need is real education, which should guide a common man. He should able to know what is happening around the globe and what our position in world is. Where we are in the world, Y India is lagging behind many of the nations. What’s wrong with us?
Unfortunately this thing is not gonna happen in near future. Even our people are literate most of us r selfish. We don’t want to involve in any of the acts around. We don’t even dare to say it’s wrong. It’s not completely their mistake of course. They have their family n they need to take care of lot of things.
But if everyone of us is like this, who will change India...? And when will it become a Developed Nation? It will never become a developed nation by itself until n unless we make it.
India has lots of youth power. Only youth can change India. Hence I request youth of India to leave their selfishness and let’s try to make India better. Let me tell u if we miss this chance, India will be like developing Country forever.
We first need to Change the System of India. Let every one educated. Forget about the oldies. Our villagers need to be educated. Because 80% of India is Villages. And illiteracy present there in villages itself. Make them educated. There so many silly sentiments in our villages. They are still in 18th century. Get them out of that. Need to provide all the facilities in villages. There should not be any difference between a villager and a city guy which is present in India till now. There should be new system in India.
“Dignity of labor”, I’ve studied about this word in my Engineering. But I understood the meaning of it, once I came to America. We study about it...but we will never follow it, if we follow “Dignity of labor” in India People say “R u a fool, u r with the labor..?” This need to be changed.
May be it is sensitive topic if I speak about reservations. But frankly I am telling this causing India to step down always...There should not be any reservations, if every one of us are equal. We say in words “we are one, we will be one” but we will never follow it. We pledge “All Indians are my brothers n sisters”. But we won’t follow it.
May be our Democracy is one more problem to us. We worry about people and leave the terrorists who are causing much damage to the people whom we worried about. If we are communists like Russia, may be India is not like the India we are looking at. I don’t encourage Communism but I wish we would not worry about few ethics n few rules in certain things like terrorism.
Our way of education need to be changed. Let me tell u, I never used any thing I’ve studied in my real life. I’ve studied about Inflation in 8th Standard. But when I turn 23, I still don’t know what Inflation is? When I saw newspaper head lines “Indian Inflation is down to 13%”. Oh man, what the hell is this Inflation? I’ve googled it and came to know that oh I’ve studied about it in 8th standard. I don’t know any traffic sense though I’ve studied about it again in 8th standard. I don’t have any idea of longitude and latitude at the age of 20 though I’ve studied it in 6th standard. Our National Language is Hindi, but I am not sure how many of us at least understand that language. We’ve studied about the responsibilities of a collector, a minister. We’ve studied about MP n MLA. But Cine Actor Mahesh Babu at the age of 30 doesn’t know the difference between MP n MLA. I didn’t mean to criticize Mahesh Babu. But I am criticizing our education system. Our text books still says about 1990-91 population count. Many of my friends of course me don’t know how many states does India have right now. Our traffic police don’t know all traffic rules. They don’t know what passing zone is. They have no Idea what a dotted line indicates. But they know how to pick pocket you.
Trust me; our education system is not going to help us to learn life. It’s only to get some ranks and publish u r photo in the news paper. I got 120/120 in chemistry in Intermediate. But I still don’t know what exactly molecule is?
Our Politics, our Corruption, our Illiteracy, our silly sentiments, our selfishness, and our mindset will never make India a Developed nation. It will be a developing nation until we leave all of them.
First thing or the First step to make India a Developed nation is to make everyone educated.
Government of India, I request ...In fact, I beg you please take required actions to make every Indian educated in right way.

(I wrote these things with the knowledge I have. If any of the thing is wrong there please execuse me. and suggest me some corrections i need to make.)

We Indians Don't Like Truth, We like to live in False..

Hi All,
I know How sensitive matter I am with. But Its True..!! We Indians Never Digest Truth sayings...We got habituated to live in false. As Telugu star Pawan Kalyan Said "Mana Vallaki Nijalu Nacchavandi...abaddalalone Bratikestamu". I definitely agrees with it...

Our People Including me and everyone, Will hesitate and hate to accept the truth. If You say some one u r not honest, Inspite of knowing he is dishonest person..He'll fight with us by saying he is Honest. His heart says to him, and he knows internally he is lying. But unfortunately he don't like to accept it.

Our Indian Government and this Media knows that there is some fraud in Satyam....Not only in Satyam but may be in all of the Private Ltd Of Comapnies of India. But Our ppl don't accept that.
Look at Our movies, If any movie says some truth, that movie will definitely utter flop. If some one say all fakes, Thats going to be a big hit. example is Telugu Movie ''Naa Autograph Sweet Memories"...Every One knows, that in each individuals life there may be more than 1 girlfriend. But everyone right after watching that movie " Em cinema ra adi, vadi istam vacchinattu 3 heroienes to love anta inko danito pellanta...ila jarugutada india lo"... I don't know of all but I accept, I love more than 10 girls in my life till now ( I don't know how many of them are serious).
Whereas movies like, Pokiri , Simhadri are super duper hits...

Our filmstars says "Movies valla yuvata chedipodu...Movies lo chedune enduku choostunnaru manchini follow avvocchu kada"...but unfortunately Our Filmstars don't know that "Indians andaru cheduni choose attract avutaru..manchi ni choosi evaru attract karu".
Our people are very crazy...If some one follows all the rules, we treat him as "Mental Krishna"..""Picchodu " ...If this is the case who is going to follow the rules.

we people believe in braking the rules is heroism...because in our movies hero is some one who alwyas breaks the rules. hero in our telugu film smokes cigerrate in passion. Yuvatha automatically attracts to it.

To change India, The first step we need to take is Change the Indian Mentalities. Change the System. Change Indian Mind Set. Then Automatically Things work properly.

Youth is completly spoiled with movies...Let me give u one more example about movies..

Lets take movie this movie how many of us like the character "Ramu"..?
and How many of us like the character "Remo"?
May be there r none who like Ramu and there are all who like Remo....
Ramu worries about the nation...try to follow the rules...But everyone hates him...becoz Indians Don't Like Truth...

Even a girl likes a person who say all lies...they never get flat with sincere and truthful guys....!!

Bye for now..

(This is my investigation...plz dont take it so serious...may be the things in me are not in order or I may lost the tempo...forgive me and suggest me...thanx..)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome to My Blog...!!

Hi Folks.,

   Yeah...Its My Blog..My Own Blog...After Looking at Aamir Khans Blog, I've decided to create a blog and write whatever I feel, whatever comes in my mind...
  As you guys know I like to write blah blah...I'll write the things I like...Follow my blog..tell me what you guys feel about my feeling...
  Basically as I am from Andhra Pradesh, most of the content may be in Telugu or Hindi...I may also write in English..But dont find any gramatical mistakes or spelling mistakes...
  Generally many of our friends creates blog and attach some websites to it...but I don't want do that thing..becaz I don't like it...I use this blog as my open dairy..

 Hence My Dear Friends.....Welcome to my Blog...My Personal Blog..ONLYJILANI

with Love