Monday, January 19, 2009

My American VBIT Friends..

Hi There,
It has been 2 yrs for me in USA. Till today I can’t expect my life here without my friends. These friends are not the friends whom I got here. These are the fellows whom I was with in my Engineering in India. Though some of them are not that thick friends to me at that time, they are all now very great friends to me. Other than one, all of the others are good friends of mine. But one was really a great friend of mine in Engineering.
Now let me list those friends... The first one is Sandeep, and the followers are Pradeep, Venu, Aravind and Arun. Other Than Aravind are my Classmates as well.

Sandeep, Pradeep, and Arun are the first one to come to USA from our batch. Venu, Aravind and I are the followers to them in next sem. Venu, Aravind and I went to the same place where Sandeep is studying. From my first breathe in US, either Venu or Sandeep with me. Pradeep n Arun are always there for courage and for some strength. Aravind is like “Andarivadu”. I pity on him he struggled from day 1 in US. Just like Aravind, Venu and I struggled a lot in the early days. We don’t have legal accommodation, we don’t have any Phones, and we don’t have jobs. We don’t have right guidance. Unfortunately I don’t even know cooking. Hence food is also a problem to me.
From the first or second week I was in scarcity of money for some reasons (I don’t like to tell the reason.).

Though Venu didn’t get good support from any of us initially, he survived by god’s grace, especially with Aravind Company. Sandeep helped me a lot in finding the job, finding some legal accommodation, getting the phone contract. Though I don’t know cooking, he always cooks for me. He was always there in any kind of problem to me. He helped me to pay the room rent, he pay for my groceries etc... He was always there to me. I don’t know, I don’t even dare to think about my survival in Mobile, AL. He treated me like my mother; he treated me like my brother. He always suggested me good. I lived my life like a KING in Mobile, AL with Sandeeps Friendship. Venu and Aravind were supportive to us. When it seemed like things are working fine in AL, One bad KATRINA divided us. There was a situation, Venu and I need to transfer from the university to maintain the status in US. We just got transferred to Virginia (VA).

Here in Virginia Venu was almost like one more Sandeep to me. He was with me in every good and bad. He always took care of me. Though Sandeep is not physically present there in VA, He was always there in Phone. But Venu was very handy and supportive to me in both job, education, money n all.

Though Pradeep and Arun are not present with us physically... they used to call minimum once in a week. We used to be in conference for hours. We discuss about everyone’s problem and tried to solve them. Of course this conference is still going on. We all are like a family here. We support each other. We were together. Upon our successful completion of our graduation Venu and I came to Chicago, IL for job search. We both were marketed by same company. Fortunately Sandeep came to same Chicago but not to our company. Here once again Venu was real helpful to me in Chicago. Sandeep was supportive in Phone. Pradeep n Arun are remaining same on phone.

Venu got project in IOWA and he left. For the first time in USA I live for almost 1 month without any friends (Engineering Friends) company. I felt very bad. Though Sandeep is not far away from me, it proved very difficult for me to see him once in a week. This is because I always got tired with my project. But to my luck Sandeep switch his company to my company. I couldn’t find any loneliness after his arrival. He is still taking care of me even better than he had before.

When I got ill, I don’t know what to do. I have no idea how to get out of it. I didn’t get insurance yet, so I can’t go to the hospital. I can’t do self medication. It was big interruption in my project progress. Let me tell you, if Sandeep is not there, I may get fired from the project. And I am sure I couldn’t write this article here. I was completely speechless. As a son of Doctor Sandeep has little experience in serving the ill health. He was completely like my dad, took care of me 24*7. He still cooks for me.

I don’t know, I don’t even imagine my life here in USA without these friends. Dear Friends I really owe you guys. You were always helpful to me. You were always with me for every good and bad situation. I am really thankful to GOD for giving me friends like this. We were one...we will be one forever.

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