Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Few things abt India, and Request to People..!!

When I was a kid, I had a passion to become a scientist after reading the life stories of few scientists. So, I went to my teacher n told him about my desire. He asked me “Y do u want to be a Scientist?” Then I said I want to do some thing to people. Some useful thing to the people so that every one can remember me for long time n if possible there should be some topic in text books about me. He said well, it’s a great Idea, so work on it. But to become a scientist u need to think little bit different. Don’t look at the problem as a common man but look it like an emerging scientist. Whenever something comes into u r mind simply ask few questions to u r self ...WHY, WHAT, n HOW...It gave me some Idea. And after that every time I saw something I started thinking What, Why n How.
When I look into the text books I got plenty of questions how and why...Unfortunately my teachers are not 100 % to clarify my doubts...may be my questions were not valid.
So I stop thinking about my subject but I started thinking about India while learning Social Studies... Why our India is like this? Why we still follow some one else procedure? Why can’t we become role models? Why India is still Developing Country? Why Indian Rupee is that low? What went wrong in India? In that tiny age I don’t know have answers to these questions, even if I ask these question to my Dad he simply says “Beta too to aur bhi bhaccha Hai, Iske liye sochne ki umar nai tera...jao pado likho ya naito Khelo”. Ahh Dad, Come on...!! He always gave me the same answer. I asked my cousin...He tried to explain me but my dad was correct I was unable to understand politics, Economy, in that age. Those questions remained as questions in my mind for lots of days. My mom used to say “SON U WILL GET THE ANSWERS TO U R QUESTIONS ONCE U GREW OLDER...FOR FEW QUESTIONS THERE IS SOME AGE CONSTRAINT”. I believe in her Words...to my surprise I am getting answers to those questions with time and with the age. But I am still confused, what exactly I can do to India. How I can get India out of this Situation?
The best answer is to entering into politics and serve India...!! But is it possible for an ordinary man to enter in Politics...That too in India. I saw huge people who lost their wealth n health in that Race. What time I can go to some CM position or some other commanding position and Rule a state. May be it is possible in Dreams.
So, Politics in not a best Idea for me...!!
We can do service without entering into politics... But it needs lots of money and lots of support from Government of India. Otherwise it is almost impossible to serve the poor.
I got only choice now just motivate the people. Make the people literate. Tell them what is happening around. Clear them what we need exactly.
So First step India need is real education, which should guide a common man. He should able to know what is happening around the globe and what our position in world is. Where we are in the world, Y India is lagging behind many of the nations. What’s wrong with us?
Unfortunately this thing is not gonna happen in near future. Even our people are literate most of us r selfish. We don’t want to involve in any of the acts around. We don’t even dare to say it’s wrong. It’s not completely their mistake of course. They have their family n they need to take care of lot of things.
But if everyone of us is like this, who will change India...? And when will it become a Developed Nation? It will never become a developed nation by itself until n unless we make it.
India has lots of youth power. Only youth can change India. Hence I request youth of India to leave their selfishness and let’s try to make India better. Let me tell u if we miss this chance, India will be like developing Country forever.
We first need to Change the System of India. Let every one educated. Forget about the oldies. Our villagers need to be educated. Because 80% of India is Villages. And illiteracy present there in villages itself. Make them educated. There so many silly sentiments in our villages. They are still in 18th century. Get them out of that. Need to provide all the facilities in villages. There should not be any difference between a villager and a city guy which is present in India till now. There should be new system in India.
“Dignity of labor”, I’ve studied about this word in my Engineering. But I understood the meaning of it, once I came to America. We study about it...but we will never follow it, if we follow “Dignity of labor” in India People say “R u a fool, u r with the labor..?” This need to be changed.
May be it is sensitive topic if I speak about reservations. But frankly I am telling this causing India to step down always...There should not be any reservations, if every one of us are equal. We say in words “we are one, we will be one” but we will never follow it. We pledge “All Indians are my brothers n sisters”. But we won’t follow it.
May be our Democracy is one more problem to us. We worry about people and leave the terrorists who are causing much damage to the people whom we worried about. If we are communists like Russia, may be India is not like the India we are looking at. I don’t encourage Communism but I wish we would not worry about few ethics n few rules in certain things like terrorism.
Our way of education need to be changed. Let me tell u, I never used any thing I’ve studied in my real life. I’ve studied about Inflation in 8th Standard. But when I turn 23, I still don’t know what Inflation is? When I saw newspaper head lines “Indian Inflation is down to 13%”. Oh man, what the hell is this Inflation? I’ve googled it and came to know that oh I’ve studied about it in 8th standard. I don’t know any traffic sense though I’ve studied about it again in 8th standard. I don’t have any idea of longitude and latitude at the age of 20 though I’ve studied it in 6th standard. Our National Language is Hindi, but I am not sure how many of us at least understand that language. We’ve studied about the responsibilities of a collector, a minister. We’ve studied about MP n MLA. But Cine Actor Mahesh Babu at the age of 30 doesn’t know the difference between MP n MLA. I didn’t mean to criticize Mahesh Babu. But I am criticizing our education system. Our text books still says about 1990-91 population count. Many of my friends of course me don’t know how many states does India have right now. Our traffic police don’t know all traffic rules. They don’t know what passing zone is. They have no Idea what a dotted line indicates. But they know how to pick pocket you.
Trust me; our education system is not going to help us to learn life. It’s only to get some ranks and publish u r photo in the news paper. I got 120/120 in chemistry in Intermediate. But I still don’t know what exactly molecule is?
Our Politics, our Corruption, our Illiteracy, our silly sentiments, our selfishness, and our mindset will never make India a Developed nation. It will be a developing nation until we leave all of them.
First thing or the First step to make India a Developed nation is to make everyone educated.
Government of India, I request ...In fact, I beg you please take required actions to make every Indian educated in right way.

(I wrote these things with the knowledge I have. If any of the thing is wrong there please execuse me. and suggest me some corrections i need to make.)

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